Neighbourhood HEART

Neighbourhood HEART is our FREE service that helps people connect with others who live near them by offering support or assistance on a volunteer basis.

Stella Community is committed to supporting people to step outside their homes and connect with their neighbours. Our vision is to improve everyone’s sense of belonging, safety and support in their local neighbourhood.

We know that everyone benefits from community life, kindness and inclusiveness and through our Neighbourhood Heart program we facilitate the formation of neighbourhood hubs, supporting people to become community volunteers and connecting these volunteers with older people, people with disability and other vulnerable individuals in their local neighbourhood.

We believe that with neighbour support, people will enjoy more social connections, improved mental health, become less socially isolated, be happier and experience improved safety and wellbeing as their informal network of support is strengthened and expanded. Ideally this support will result in older people being able to stay in their own homes for longer and people with disability and other vulnerable individuals being more included in their community.

Would you or someone you know like to access support from our FREE Neighbourhood HEART program? Please complete our referral form and tell us a bit more about yourself.